Gym Membership
Access to IR Sauna, Normatec Boots, Power Plate Move, InBody Analyzer, and Metabolic Conditioning (cardio) room included.
Does not include Pilates or other services provided at Plankt.
$50.00 / month
2 person Low EMF (electromagnetic frequency) poplar wood infrared sauna. (There is electric and magnetic field mitigation). Dynamic saunas contain infrared rays which have the power to revitalize your cells and help metabolism.
Good recovery is crucial to achieving long term performance. Sleep and a sustainable diet are essential.
However, Normatec Boots are the latest in compression recovery to increase vasodilation of blood vessels that extricate toxins. Compression boots decrease muscle tension & inflammation, decrease recovery time, increase range of motion & water accumulation that will reduce swelling.
This Power Plate vibrates up to 50 times a second. These micro vibrations burn more calories, activate more muscles, improve circulation, flexibility, and bone strength, and help muscle recovery.
The InBody 570 Body Composition Analyzer gives you more information than a traditional body composition analysis. It provides a detailed analysis of muscle, fat, and water values.